Linens For An Organic & Eco-Friendly Home



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The modern world is full of chemical contaminants that sabotage our pursuit of an organic, sustainable, and eco-friendly home. It’s no longer enough to just eat organic food to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A sustainable home thinks globally, not only for your health but for the health of the planet. Eco-friendly linens are made from organic cotton and sustainable bamboo. Rather than sleep on a polyester pillow at night try a natural wool bed pillow instead. In your quest to build a sustainable home, eco-friendly linens like organic cotton sheets, towels, and natural wool bed pillows are a simple upgrade. You don’t have to start with a major home remodel. After all, you sleep on sheets for 8 hours a day with your head on the pillow. Things that touch your skin and face for an extended period of time are worth some thoughtful consideration.

Most of today’s cotton has been genetically modified and clothing and linens made from it contain herbicides and pesticides. Organic and eco-friendly linens can reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals in your home. Think about it, who wants to sleep on potentially toxic sheets and pillows after working hard all day to follow healthy lifestyle habits?

30 Day Wellness Journal
The Simply Sapien Card Deck

As a health coach, I recognize that health is multifaceted. Since I’m not a manufacturer of organic cotton sheets and towels, natural wool bed pillows, or any eco-friendly linens I became an affiliate of The Ultimate Green Store. They offer countless products for an organic, sustainable, and eco-friendly home.

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