Ethical Eating And Sustainable Diets

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Today there is a strong push towards a plant based diet with claims that it’s the most ethical way to eat. The problem I see is that simply isn’t true. Agriculture is one of the most destructive forces on the planet. I get that they have meat is murder wrapped up into a tidy tagline, but all food lives at the expense of other life. Crops reduce wildlife habitat; farm machinery kill small animals, insects, birds, and ultimately our soil; then our heavy use of ago-chemicals pollute groundwater, lakes, and streams. These are just a few of the points mainstream media overlooks when trying to convince us we need less meat on our plate. Why does ethical eating matter? If we don’t have a healthy planet to live on what’s the point of all this healthy eating and fitness? holistic wellness journals

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30 Day Wellness Journal

Originally posted on December 23, 2021 @ 13:12

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