How To Treat Acne With Diet & Skincare

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We’ve all had acne at some point in our life. Food, lifestyle, hormones, and skin care routines can either make acne worse or better. When I joined Beautycounter it wasn’t for the make-up but rather for the skin care. One of my pet peeves is seeing before and after photos where a person’s skin issue is covered with make-up. Whether it’s redness or acne I can’t take my eyes off the first photo. I wonder why that person has their skin issue in the first place. Sure you can cover it up with make-up, we all have, but why not focus on getting rid of it all together?

I guess that’s why I’m also a health coach. If a person can improve their health with simple techniques shouldn’t I help them do that?

As a teen with acne I used all the things the kids were using back in the 80’s. Noxzema, Benzoyl Peroxide, and every skin drying product marketed for acne that I could find. Oh…and there was the scrubbing. So much scrubbing. I’d vigorously use a scrub or a washcloth hoping I could scrub the acne away. Now that I’ve learned a lot about the skin I know that all that scrubbing only made the problem worse.

All of the overly drying facial products weren’t helping my cause either. In some ways I was my own worst enemy.

This is why I decided to put together a video presentation about acne. Everyone has had it at some point but I’ve found that there are many misconceptions about how to treat it.

Acne Skincare: The Inside & Out Basics

What did you think?

Isn’t it amazing how much my cousin was able to clear up her acne with diet alone. I asked her if she made any changes to her beauty routine and she didn’t. It was all food.

Now consider that vegetable oil and sugar are two main staples of our modern diet and it’s no wonder we’ve all experienced acne. My goal for putting this video together is to give those who are struggling some hope. Maybe it will inspire you to try something new.

30 Day Wellness Journal

You can get the acne tip sheet I mentioned in the video here:

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I created an anti-aging video for the skincare bonus in my Flourish course. For 7 years I taught anatomy and physiology and I’m up for creating more videos like these. Leave me a comment below and let me know what you’d like to learn more about.

Originally posted on March 23, 2019 @ 10:31

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