How To Set Health Goals & 4-Week Goal Setting Calendar

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How many times in your life have you told yourself you’re going to improve your health? Why didn’t it work the first time? What went wrong? Did you try something new on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, … attempt or did you do the same thing each time? Some people go back to a program because they believe it worked. Here’s the thing though, if it truly worked you’d never need another program ever again. I’m on a mission to help people improve their health. This article is actually one of my Substack Newspapers. It’s more than just a Sunday Newsletter. You can get all my content in one place plus I often include e-books, tips, videos, and tools like this 4-week goal setting calendar.

Why Is It That So Many Struggle To Get Healthy And Stay Healthy?

  • Convenience
    • The world and its multitude of convenience options make it easier to achieve poor health than optimal health. When you look at how easy and inexpensive it is to eat fast food and processed food – the 2 things ALL diets agree no one should eat – it’s hard to believe our ill health wasn’t created on purpose. Unless you know how to be a modern day hunter gatherer it’s easy to follow the path of least resistance.
  • Confusion
    • There is so much noise: the news, social media, podcasts, books, videos, and your friends who continuously offer a variety of perspectives. It’s easy to feel bombarded with information and its conflicting nature leaves many feeling confused and overwhelmed. You can end up feeling like you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.
  • Over Complication
    • When most people set out to improve their health they make it far too complicated. You don’t need 47 supplements, hours of grueling exercise each day, and a personal chef to reach your goals. Despite all the ads you see for health you don’t need anything special. If you can sleep, move your body, stick to low glycemic whole foods, and drink beverages without any added sweeteners that will get most people a long way. Adding sunshine, relaxation, and nature helps you level up. Oh…and don’t forget to minimize the things that stress you out. (cough, cough..the news)
  • Mindset
    • With a string of attempts to try to get healthy under your belt it’s easier to doubt yourself than it is to believe in your abilities. Then there are subconscious beliefs and actions that often lead people back to where they started. It’s easier to continue with what you know because it’s the path of least effort. You don’t have to put in the mental energy to come up with a new dinner idea when you’re making an old dish you’ve always made. That dish might not support your health goals but in that moment it’s easy.

Where Do You Get Stuck And What Kind Of Health Goals Would Help You?

health goal setting

You can’t wish your way to better health.

You need a plan and self accountability.

What CAN You Do To Reach Your Health Goals?

No one can think their way to their health goals. Whether you want to lose 100 pounds or lift 100 pounds the way to get there is essentially the same.

Your future results come from your actions. When you take action it helps shift your thinking to a state of I CAN do this.

Remember in the last week’s Substack e-mail I included a sheet with 6 categories to help you make goals in key areas? Looking at the list you made under each category choose the one that feels the easiest and is likely the most enjoyable for you.

If you write 5 things under each category and try to do all 30 all at once you’re going to feel overwhelmed. You’re going to get frustrated and you’ll likely give-up before you make any progress.

Get Last Week’s Goal Setting Sheet On Substack

Measurement Makes A Good Goal

It has to be something you can measure. You can write I’m going to eat better but how will you actually track that? Instead write something like:

  • I’m going to aim for X grams of protein / day.
  • I’m going to aim for X cups of vegetables a day.
  • I’m going to try a new vegetable this week.
  • I’m going to buy a jar of tallow.

Those are things that at the end of the week you’ll have a yes or no answer to when you ask if you reached your goal. When you can tick off your goals you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment. As your new goal becomes a new habit it’s easier to integrate some of the other goals you’ve written.

30 Day Wellness Journal
download 4-week health goal calendar via substack

Fill out your 4-week plan week by week. Write your goals for the coming week. At the end of the week evaluate your progress. Did you do what you said you would do? Why or why not? Reflect on how you’ll change that for week 2. Repeat.

If you need some ideas don’t forget my 4-Day Masterclass is available under the Masterclass tab on my Substack home page. You’ll find ideas for food, fitness, sleep, and mindset in the class.

Print The 4-Week PDF

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